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Message de fawzia posté le 2004-08-06 14:51:35 (S | E | F | I)
Besoin d'info pour faire ce test:

Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me communiquer une liste d'expression idiomatique avec les couleurs. Je n'ai rien trouvé sur le site pour m'aider à réaliser ce test.


Edité par bridg le 18-11-2004 21:11

Réponse: re:test48:Colors idiom de dolivera, postée le 2004-08-06 15:08:16 (S | E)
Blue like sea

Je me suis lancee alors a vous

Réponse: re:test48:Colors idiom de freeday, postée le 2004-08-06 18:39:05 (S | E)
Voici quelques expressions avec 'blue' :

I've told you till I'm blue in the face : je me tue à te le dire
once in a blue moon : tous les trente-six du mois
to come out of the blue : être complètement inattendu/ tomber du ciel
to feel blue: broyer du noir, avoir le cafard

Réponse: re:test48:Colors idiom de lyne, postée le 2004-08-06 19:29:50 (S | E)
Pour information :
Cela va peut-être t'aider.

Réponse: re:test48:Colors idiom de mery0110, postée le 2004-08-06 23:03:28 (S | E)
- black and white : think of everything or judge everything as either good or bad
- black out : to darken by putting out or dimming electric lights
or to lose consciousness
- black sheep (of the family) : a person who is a disgrace or embarrassment to a family or group
- in the black : successful or profitable
- to blue pencil something : to censor something.
- a bolt from the blue : some unexpected bad news.
- to look / feel blue : to look / feel depressed or discontented.
- blue in the face : to make a huge but vain effort to win a person's agreement.
- once in a blue moon : to occur extremely rarely or only once in a life-time.
- to be browned off : to be bored, annoyed at something
- to paint in bright/dark colours : to describe something in a flattering or unflattering way.
- to be green : inexperienced, immature
- green with envy : full of envy, very jealous
- give someone the green light : give permission to go ahead with a project
- grass is always greener on the other side : a place that is far away or different seems better than where we are now
- green belt : an area of fields and trees around a town
- green thumb : a talent for gardening, ability to make things grow
- a golden opportunity : a great opportunity that might never come again
- a golden handshake : a large sum of money paid to a retiring manager or director, or to a redundant worker.
- a golden boy : a young man idolized for a great skill, usually in sport.
- tickled pink : be very pleased, thrilled, delighted
- to be shown the red card : to be dismissed from your job.
- to be in the red : to have an overdraft, to be in debt.
- to catch someone red-handed : to catch someone in the act of committing a crime.
- to look through rose-coloured/tinted spectacles : to see things in a flattering or over-optimistic light.
- to see red : to react with uncontrollable rage against someone or something.
- to see the red light : to recognize approaching danger, the red light being a danger signal.
- paint the town red : go out and party and have a good time
- roll out the red carpet : greet a person with great respect, give a big welcome
- a redneck : an ignorant, insensitive person.
- as white as a sheet : in a state of great fear
- white elephant : a useless possession
- white as a ghost : very pale because of fear, shock, illness etc.
- a white lie : a harmless lie (told to be polite or to do something not seriously wrong)
- a yellow streak : cowardice in character

Hope I could help you with those ;)

Réponse: re:test48:Colors idiom de hoppy1, postée le 2004-08-09 00:19:00 (S | E)
hi ,you know this idiom :
to be in the red !
hope i'm helping !



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