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Is lying sometimes beneficial?
Message de merki64 posté le 22-05-2005 à 17:16:47 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous !!
Voilà j'ai fait une dissertation sur ce sujet :

Do you think that telling the truth is always possible ?
Is lying sometimes beneficial ? Give examples.

What do we understand when we speak about truth ? Literally, the truth is knowledge or expression of a knowledge correspondent to reality, to facts such as they took place. We often say that « the truths are always good to say » but is it always necessary ?

I think that in the case of a person who doesn't like somebody without definite reasons and that he/she likes to tell him /her a few home truths, I do not think that it is necessary; it would simply hurt the concerned person and would not bring changes. On the contrary,if a person has done something serious, like stealing something or anything else, it is necessary to tell the truth even if it is difficult because sooner or later somebody will learn it; as we know the truth always ends up breaking out ! It is better to say it as early as possible to avoid aggravating the situation!

Is lying sometimes beneficial ? I don’t think so. The fact to corrupt the truth only aggravates things. People often think that it is preferable not to say the truth right away and that time will allow to forget the lies, but they regret it later and it’s often too late to look back ! Pupils always have the habit to hide bad marks from their parents but is it advantageous for them? No! it is about their future and lying regarding their notes will not promise them a nice future! On the contrary ! When a person lies she always feels bad to hide the truth, it has nothing advantageous and she/he feels always better having said the truth! it is a weight that is taken away from us!

To put it in a nutshell, I think that hiding the truth is not - in the long term at least - possible. Either the person to whom one lies will learn it by somebody else, or the person who lies will end up confessing because she/he feels too bad to hide something so important. To lie is not something beneficial for me because even if we lie and that nobody realizes it, it’s our conscience which must take the consequences! Telling the truth is always possible! a little bit of courage is enough …

Voilà, s'il était possible que quelques membres jetent un oeil et me corrigent mes erreurs, ce serait super !!
d'avance !

Ps : je n'ai pas osé mettre la version en français car j'ai eu peur que ça fasse trop long..mais si jamais quelques passages ne sont pas clairs en anglais, n'hésitez pas à me le dire, et je le ferai !!
Edité par bridg le 22-05-2005 17:18
Vous pourrez l'envoyer par MP à qui vous la demandera Merci

Réponse: Is lying sometimes beneficial? de jardin62, postée le 23-05-2005 à 08:52:41 (S | E)
Il n'y a pas de grosses retouches à faire à votre dissertation.
Voici des indications que vous évaluerez, garderez ou non.


What is to be understood when speaking about 'truth'?
Literally truth is 'the knowledge or the expression of a knowledge corresponding to reality, to facts such as they took place'.
People are used to saying that 'truth is always good to speak'...
My question is: 'Is it always necessary?'


Let's take the case of a person who doesn't like someone else without objective or definite reasons. Let's suppose he/she would like to tell that person a few home truths. I personally am not sure that it is necessary. It would obviously hurt the person involved and wouldn't bring any valuable changes. It's the other round generally.
However, if a person has done something serious, stealing for exemple, my point of view is that it is necessary for her/him to tell the truth even if it's difficult, for, sooner or later, it will be known. As we say: 'the truth always ends up breaking out!' Therefore, isn't it better say it as early as possible to avoid aggravating the situation?

- Is lying sometimes beneficial?
I don't think so.
Corrupting /hiding the truth only makes things worse. People often think that it is preferable not to say the truth right away, they believe that time will help to forget the lies... My experience proves that they regret it in the end. Unfortunately it's too late to look back!
Here's an example: Pupils often have the bad habit of hiding their bad marks to their parents: is it advantageous for them? My answer is 'no, it isn't'. They compromise their future doing so. Lying, as far as marks are concerned, is lacking self-consciousness and autonomy.
Anyway, when someone lies he/she always feels really bad at hiding the truth: it has nothing advantageous. He/she would have felt relieved having spoken the truth. A weight would have been taken away from him/her...

To put it in a nutshell, I think that concealing the truth is not -in the long term at least- possible. Either the person to whom one lies will learn it thanks to someone else or the liar will end up confessing his/her 'crime' because he/she will feel awful at hiding.
Therefore, to my view, lying is not something beneficial because each time we lie, even if no one knows about it, we'll have a guilty conscience.
Now the question is :is telling the truth always possible?
It certainly sometimes needs courage of course...

Je me rends compte d'une erreur : les gens disent 'not all truths are suitable for telling' et non l'inverse./ Petite expression: 'Truth will out'( 'la vérité finit toujours par se découvrir')
Edité par jardin62 le 23-05-2005 10:21

Edité par jardin62 le 23-05-2005 10:25

Réponse: Is lying sometimes beneficial? de jardin62, postée le 23-05-2005 à 10:44:27 (S | E)
Puiqu'il est question d'honnêteté, de malhonnêté, de courage, je vous livre quelques mots de vocabulaire en plus:
- Honesty:
to trust someone
to be trustworthy, reliable
to be in good/bad faith
- Dishonesty
to distrust
to lie/ a lie
to deceive
to cheat someone
to betray
-Courage and cowardice:brave, courageous
daring, bolt
to have pluck (informal) = avoir du cran
to take up a challenge
coward/ cowardly (lâche)
* Votre travail était intéressant.
Edité par emy64 le 23-05-2005 11:00

Réponse: Is lying sometimes beneficial? de merki64, postée le 23-05-2005 à 18:58:56 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup beaucoup jardin de m'avoir accordé tout ce temps !! Je suis contente que ce sujet t'aies plu !! En tout cas, tout cela va beaucoup me servir ! merci encore !

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