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Message de miss1sanaa posté le 2004-09-06 20:40:04 (S | E | F | I)
can you help me to make more difference between tences?
how can i use them?and when?

Edité par bridg le 19-11-2004 09:26

Réponse: re:TENCES de kayrol, postée le 2004-09-06 21:25:09 (S | E)
Hello Miss,
I assume you mean tenses. There is much to say, I advise you to go in the conjugation part of this site, read the lessons and do the exercices, that is the best way to understand how it works.
Good luck

Réponse: re:TENCES de pj, postée le 2004-09-08 09:38:25 (S | E)
Strictly speaking, in English, only two tenses are marked in the verb alone, present (as in "he sings") and past (as in "he sang"). Other English language tenses, as many as thirty of them, are marked by other words called auxiliaries. Understanding the six basic tenses allows one to recreate much of the reality of time in his writing. The six are :

Simple Present: They walk
Present Perfect: They have walked

Simple Past: They walked
Past Perfect: They had walked

Future: They will walk
Future Perfect: They will have walked



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