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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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exposé US (correction)
Message de latitefrenchy posté le 07-01-2007 à 11:22:23 (S | E | F | I)


J'ai un exposé a faire sur les Etats Unis(pays que j'affectione beaucoup) et je suis pas sur de bien être compréhensible. Alors si vous êtes bien calé en Anglais, pouvez vous m'aider svp s'il vous plaît ??

I talk you about of The United States of America.

The United states of America is situated at North of the continent American.He was occupied by Indians then by Europeans.The United States of America is created in seventeen seventy-six.
Today, The United States is the first world power, since the first world war.The country's capital is Washington,DC(District of Columbia) situated at North East of the country. the States is a federal Republic, controlled by G.W.Bush.The country's surface is of nine million six hundred twenty nine thousand forty-eight km² and there are three hundred million one hundred twelve thousand six hundred and thirty one inhabitants. The currency is the American Dollar, the national currency is "In God We trust" and the national anthem is "The Star Spangled Banner".The United States is member of NATO(L'OTAN), NAFTA(L'ALENA), L'ANZUS, G8 and permanent member of the UN(ONU).The official language is English, but certain populations speak Spanish, or Chinese.
Today, American is very present in the world.Attack of September 11 2001 marked the whole ground. He is also present in Iraq, to which G.W.Bush declared the war.

Despite Everything that we can say, The United States is and will be always the first world power.

J'ai aussi des probleme de prononciation: km², September 11st 2001.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Modifié par bridg le 07-01-2007 11:38

Réponse: exposé US (correction) de hpesoj, postée le 07-01-2007 à 20:26:00 (S | E)
Salut. Voici des corrections ci-dessous.

I talk you about of The United States of America.
I am going to talk to you about of The United States of America.

The United states of America is situated at North of the continent American
The United States of America is situated in the continent of North America.

He was occupied by Indians then by Europeans.
It was occupied by Native Amercians and then by Europeans.

The United States of America is created in seventeen seventy-six.
The United States of America was founded in seventeen seventy-six (je mettrais "1776")

Today, The United States is the first world power, since the first world war.
Today, the United States is the leading world power, and has been since the First World War.

The country's capital is Washington,DC(District of Columbia) situated at North East of the country.
The country's capital is Washington, DC (District of Columbia) situated at the North East of the country.

the States is a federal Republic, controlled by G.W.Bush.
The States (peut-être utilisez "US" ou "USA") is a federal republic, controlled by G.W. Bush.

The country's surface is of nine million six hundred twenty nine thousand forty-eight km² and there are three hundred million one hundred twelve thousand six hundred and thirty one inhabitants.
The country's surface has an area of 9,629,048 km² and there are 300,112,631 inhabitants.

The currency is the American Dollar, the national currency is "In God We trust" and the national anthem is "The Star Spangled Banner".
The currency is the American Dollar, the national motto is "In God We trust" and the national anthem is "The Star Spangled Banner".

The United States is member of NATO(L'OTAN), NAFTA(L'ALENA), L'ANZUS, G8 and permanent member of the UN(ONU).The official language is English, but certain populations speak Spanish, or Chinese.
The United States is a member of NATO(L'OTAN), NAFTA(L'ALENA), L'ANZUS, G8 and a permanent member of the UN(ONU). The official language is English, but certain populations speak Spanish, or Chinese.

Today, American is very present in the world. Attack of September 11 2001 marked the whole ground. He is also present in Iraq, to which G.W.Bush declared the war.
Today, America is very present in the world. The attack of September 11th 2001 marked the whole ground (je ne sais pas quoi vous dites). It is also present in Iraq, on whom G.W. Bush declared war.

Despite Everything that we can say, The United States is and will be always the first world power.
Despite Everything that we can say, The United States is and will be always the leading world power (c'est discutable, mais ce n'est en rapport avec des grammaire).

Quant aux prononciations, on dit "km^2" comme "kill-o-meat-ers (ou 'kill-om-eat-ers') squared" et "September 11th 2001" comme "September the eleventh two thousand and two" ou "the eleventh of September two thousand and two".

J'espère que je vous ai aidais!




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