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Message de moudounou posté le 04-07-2005 à 12:09:50 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde,

je propose cet exercice sur l'emploi de AND. Mettez and lorsque c'est nécessaire:
1) a small ... round table
2) a green ... black carpet
3) The weather was cold ... depressing.
4) a happy ... confident child
5) Her expression was cold ... enigmatic.
6) a metal ... plastic chair
7) a dirty ... torn coat
8) a concrete ... glass building
9) She felt lonely ... tired ... depressed.
10) red ... yellow socks
Bonne chance à tous.
Edité par bridg le 04-07-2005 12:41

Réponse: And de grabuge, postée le 04-07-2005 à 13:12:24 (S | E)
Helle Moudounou

1) and
2) X
3) and
4) and
5) and
6) and
7) and
8) X
9) X - and
10) and

Réponse: And de samia51, postée le 04-07-2005 à 16:48:28 (S | E)
Hello Moudounou

je propose cet exercice sur l'emploi de AND. Mettez and lorsque c'est nécessaire:
1) a small AND round table
2) a green X black carpet
3) The weather was cold AND depressing.
4) a happy X confident child
5) Her expression was cold AND enigmatic.
6) a metal AND plastic chair
7) a dirty X torn coat
8) a concrete X glass building
9) She felt lonely X tired AND depressed.
10) red AND yellow socks

Réponse: And de lybain, postée le 04-07-2005 à 17:15:56 (S | E)

1) a small and round table
2) a green and black carpet
3) The weather was cold x depressing.
4) a happy and confident child
5) Her expression was cold and enigmatic.
6) a metal and plastic chair
7) a dirty and torn coat
8) a concrete and glass building
9) She felt lonely x tired and depressed.
10) red and yellow socks

Réponse: And de ninou30, postée le 04-07-2005 à 17:31:43 (S | E)
Bonjour Moudounou, bonjour à tous
1) a small ..x. round table
2) a green .and.. black carpet
3) The weather was cold ..and. depressing.
4) a happy .x.. confident child
5) Her expression was cold .and.. enigmatic.
6) a metal .and.. plastic chair
7) a dirty ..x. torn coat
8) a concrete ...and glass building
9) She felt lonely ..x. tired ...and depressed.
10) red and... yellow socks

Réponse: And de lyne, postée le 05-07-2005 à 16:16:17 (S | E)
Bonjour moudounou,

1) a small round table
2) a green AND black carpet
3) The weather was cold AND depressing.
4) a happy confident child
5) Her expression was cold AND enigmatic.
6) a metal AND plastic chair
7) a dirty AND torn coat
8) a concrete AND glass building
9) She felt lonely tired AND depressed.
10) red AND yellow socks


Réponse: And de isa71, postée le 05-07-2005 à 22:00:15 (S | E)

1) a small round table
2) a green and black carpet
3) The weather was cold and depressing.
4) a happy confident child
5) Her expression was cold and enigmatic.
6) a metal and plastic chair
7) a dirty and torn coat
8) a concrete and glass building
9) She felt lonely tired and depressed.
10) red and yellow socks


Réponse: And de moudounou, postée le 06-07-2005 à 12:32:29 (S | E)
Bonjour et à tous, voici la correction:
1) a small, round table
2) a green and black carpet
3) The weather was cold and depressing.
4) a happy, confident child
5) Her expression was cold and egnimatic.
6) a metal and plastic chair
7) a dirty, torn coat
8) a concrete and glass building
9) She felt lonely, tired and depressed.
10) red and yellow socks

Petit rappel: l'adjectif épithète est placé avant le nom ( a small house);
l'adjectif attribut après des verbes comme be, seem ("sembler".) (The house is small.)
1- And s'emploie rarement pour séparer les adjectifs épithètes:
a practical economical car
Par contre, on l'emploie toujours lorsqu'on parle des différentes parties et couleurs d'un même objet:
a wood and glass shanty
green and blue shirt
2- And s'emploie pour séparer les 2 derniers adjectifs attributs.
His face was happy, cheerful and radiant.

Voilà, see you again.

Edité par moudounou le 06-07-2005 12:33

Edité par moudounou le 06-07-2005 12:34

Réponse: And de alextrem, postée le 06-07-2005 à 22:46:35 (S | E)
1) a small .x.. round table
2) a green and black carpet
3) The weather was cold and depressing.
4) a happy .x.. confident child
5) Her expression was cold and enigmatic.
6) a metal and plastic chair
7) a dirty .x.. torn coat
8) a concrete ..x. glass building
9) She felt lonely .x.. tired and depressed.
10) red .x.. yellow socks


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