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comportements répréhensibles (voc)
Message de jardin62 posté le 24-03-2005 à 21:09:11 (S | E | F | I)

==>What crimes are being defined below?
*ex: offering someone money for illegal services = bribery
1- killing someone = M...
2- stealing from a shop = S....- L... (Ving)
3- selling drugs = D... -P... (Ving)
4- making fake money = F...
5- taking a child and asking his parents money = K... (Ving)
6- driving after taking alcohol = D...D... (Ving)
7- stealing from people's pockets = P...-P... (Ving)
8- threatening to reveal secrets = B... (Ving)
9- taking illegal control of a plane = H... (Ving)
10 taking something illegally into another country = S... (Ving)

Un peu de recherches mais si court !
(-J'aime les images!
-ça se voit!)

A faire obligatoirement pour.....................> quand vous voulez!

Edité par bridg le 24-03-2005 21:11

Réponse: comportements réprehensibles (voc) de gewurz, postée le 24-03-2005 à 21:22:29 (S | E)
1- killing someone = Murder.
2- stealing from a shop = Shop-lifting
3- selling drugs = Drug-Push
4- making fake money = Forging
5- taking a child and asking his parents money = Kidnapping
6- driving after taking alcohol = Drunken Driving
7- stealing from people's pockets = Pick-Pocketing
8- threatening to reveal secrets = Blackmailing
9- taking illegal control of a plane = Hacking --> hijacking (merci Ruofei)
10 taking something illegally into another country = Swindling --> smuggling (merci Ruofei)

Merci Jardin.

Edité par gewurz le 25-03-2005 10:55

Réponse: comportements répréhensibles (voc) de felin, postée le 25-03-2005 à 01:50:08 (S | E)
Bonjour Jardin

Ou es tu? Tu dors.

1- killing someone = Murder
2- stealing from a shop = Shop- Lifting(Ving)
3- selling drugs = Drug-Peddling or pushing (Ving)
4- making fake money = False
5- taking a child and asking his parents money = Kidnapping (Ving)
6- driving after taking alcohol = Drunken Driving (Ving)
7- stealing from people's pockets = Pick-Pocketing (Ving)
8- threatening to reveal secrets = Blackmailing (Ving)
9- taking illegal control of a plane = H (Ving)
10 taking something illegally into another country = Swindling (Ving)

Réponse: comportements répréhensibles (voc) de ruofei, postée le 25-03-2005 à 04:12:53 (S | E)
Bonjour early bird !!
comportements répréhensibles..voyons ce que ça donne:

1- killing someone = Murder
2- stealing from a shop = Shoplifting (thanx gewurz!)
3- selling drugs = Drug Passing/ Dealing Products/ Dreadful Profession/ Dance with Prince charles.. (j'abandonne)
4- making fake money = Forging/ (counterfeiting)
5- taking a child and asking his parents money = Kidnapping (après le egg-napping)
6- driving after taking alcohol = Drunk Driving
7- stealing from people's pockets = Pick Pocketing
8- threatening to reveal secrets = Blackmailing
9- taking illegal control of a plane = Hijacking
10 taking something illegally into another country = Smuggling


Edit?par ruofei le 25-03-2005 06:14

Réponse: comportements répréhensibles (voc) de grabuge, postée le 25-03-2005 à 11:26:23 (S | E)
Hello Jardin,
Si c'est un devoir obligatoire, autant le faire tout de suite

1- killing someone = Murder
2- stealing from a shop = S....- L... (Ving) Shoplifting
3- selling drugs = Drug -Pushing (Ving)
4- making fake money = Faking
5- taking a child and asking his parents money = Kidnapping (Ving)
6- driving after taking alcohol = D...D... (Ving)
7- stealing from people's pockets = Pick-Pocketting (Ving)
8- threatening to reveal secrets = B... (Ving)
9- taking illegal control of a plane = H... (Ving)
10 taking something illegally into another country = S... (Ving)

C'est tout... Je reviendrai compléter après affreuses recherches

Réponse: comportements répréhensibles (voc) de hyppoblue, postée le 25-03-2005 à 13:31:43 (S | E)
[img]Lien Internet
] Bonjour,

1- killing someone = Murder
2- stealing from a shop = Shoplifting (mon dico ne met pas de tiret)
3- selling drugs = Drug-Dealing ?!
4- making fake money = Forging
5- taking a child and asking his parents money = Kidnapping
6- driving after taking alcohol = Drunk Driving
7- stealing from people's pockets = Pickpocketing ( hyphen or no hyphen?)
8- threatening to reveal secrets = Blackmailing
9- taking illegal control of a plane = Hijacking
10 taking something illegally into another country = Smuggling

J'en ai terminé avec les recherches, je ne suis pas trop sure pour le 2.
Je viens de prendre un cours de Smiley, j'espère que ça va marcher sur mon Mac
[img]Lien Internet

Réponse: comportements répréhensibles (voc) de rico17, postée le 25-03-2005 à 14:06:56 (S | E)

1- killing someone = Murder...
2- stealing from a shop = Shop- Lifting (Ving)
3- selling drugs = Drug -Peddling (Ving)
4- making fake money = Falsify...
5- taking a child and asking his parents money = Kidnapping... (Ving)
6- driving after taking alcohol = Drunkeness.Driving (Ving)
7- stealing from people's pockets = Pick-Pocketing (Ving)
8- threatening to reveal secrets = B??? (Ving)
9- taking illegal control of a plane = Highjacking (Ving)
10 taking something illegally into another country = Smuggling (Ving)

Réponse: comportements répréhensibles (voc) de idem, postée le 25-03-2005 à 18:27:46 (S | E)
Bonjour Jardin
J'ai suivi vos conseils, j'ai trouvé un bon gros dictionnaire anglais et j'ai fais mes recherches voila ce que cela donne :
1) Murder
J'espère que je m'en sors pas mal pour une recherche sinon galère
I wish you a very happy Easter

Réponse: comportements répréhensibles (voc) de marie37400, postée le 25-03-2005 à 20:17:50 (S | E)
Bonsoir Jardin,
Oh, là là, j'ai failli ne pas voir qu'il était obligatoire le devoir
Comment cela s'appelle, dans la série comportement répréhensibles :
"Disregarding regulations"
Well, here we are :
1) Murder
2) Shop-lifting
3) Drug peddling - pushing
4) Forge
5) Kidnapping
6) Drunk driving
7) Pick pocketing
8) Blackmail
9) Hijacking
and Happy Easter

Réponse: comportements répréhensibles (voc) de jardin62, postée le 25-03-2005 à 22:18:20 (S | E)
Good evening! Nice to hear from you! If only it was not for disregarding behaviours!
- Faire un crime d'une bagatelle = 'to make a mountain out of a molehill' but you might like 'to make much ado about nothing' better.
- Peines criminelles (=> it's up to you!)
* penalty of more than five years' imprisonment (with or without hard labour)< 'funny!' (I will personally have had a more than 38 years' imprisonment with hard labour in June 2006 for killing me, -sorry! 'for working myself to death'.
* deportation to a penal settlement ( 4 stars?)
* death
(nothing to say )
1- killing someone : murder
2- stealing from a shop: shop-lifting
3- selling drugs : drug-trafficking (or drug-peddling) I didn't know about the others (esp. ' PrinceCharles-dancing' )
4- making fake money : forgery
5- taking a child and asking its parents for money : kidnapping
6- driving after taking alcohol : dunken driving ( 'to be repeated without respite especially before the Easter Weekend')
7- stealing from people's pockets : pick-pocketing ( poetical..)
8- threatening to reveal secrets : blackmail
9- (cheating????? ==> 'acquitted!')
10- taking illegal control of a plane : hijacking
11- taking something illegally into another country : smuggling
(hippoblue: 'la page est introuvable' => 'fined!' )
*Have a nice Easter!

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