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Exercices 72 ( a/ an or one)
Message de felin posté le 24-04-2006 à 00:23:20 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Correction Samedi soir 29/04/06

Change a/an or one in these sentences if necessary, or write (Right). In which sentences are both a/an and one possible?

1 I usually go to the gym four times one week.
2 There's more than one way to solve the problem.
3 I phoned the council to complain, but just got passed on from a person to another.
4 The rate of pay is really good here. You can earn over £20 one hour.
5 Maybe we could go skiing one winter.
6 The apples are 50 cents one kilo.
7 Are you hungry? Would you like one piece of cake?
8 The rules say that there is only one vote per member.
9 You can get seven hours of recording on one disc.
10 'What would Nick like for his birthday?' 'Why don't you ask Emma? She's one good friend of his and will have some ideas.
11 There's one pen on the floor. Is it yours?
12 The library books are due back in one month.
13 Do you want some of my chips? There are too many here for a person.
14 I'm going to London for one day or two.
15 Either I'll work late tonight or I'll come in early tomorrow, but the report's got to be finished by lunchtime a way or another.
16 It will take more than one morning to finish the decorating

Good luck.

Réponse: Exercices 72 ( a/ an or one) de nanette33, postée le 24-04-2006 à 10:59:20 (S | E)
Hello Felin

1 I usually go to the gym four times a week.
2 There's more than one way to solve the problem. a/one
3 I phoned the council to complain, but just got passed on from a person to another. Right
4 The rate of pay is really good here. You can earn over £20 an hour.
5 Maybe we could go skiing one winter. Right
6 The apples are 50 cents a kilo.
7 Are you hungry? Would you like a piece of cake?
8 The rules say that there is only one vote per member. Right
9 You can get seven hours of recording on one disc. a/one
10 'What would Nick like for his birthday?' 'Why don't you ask Emma? She's one good friend of his and will have some ideas. Right
11 There's a pen on the floor. Is it yours?
12 The library books are due back in one month. Right
13 Do you want some of my chips? There are too many here for one person.
14 I'm going to London for one day or two. Right
15 Either I'll work late tonight or I'll come in early tomorrow, but the report's got to be finished by lunchtime a way or another. Right
16 It will take more than one morning to finish the decorating. Right

Réponse: Exercices 72 ( a/ an or one) de coco02, postée le 24-04-2006 à 12:44:43 (S | E)
bonjour Felin,

bonne idée d'exercice ; comme en français nous n'avons qu'un mot pour évoquer les deux possibilités ("un" article et "un" chiffre), j'avoue que j'ai eu du mal sur certaines phrases pour savoir lequel était le bon.

voici ce qui me semble être correct :
1 I usually go to the gym four times one (a)week.
2 There's more than one way to solve the problem.
3 I phoned the council to complain, but just got passed on from a (one)person to another.
4 The rate of pay is really good here. You can earn over £20 one hour.
5 Maybe we could go skiing one winter.
6 The apples are 50 cents one(a) kilo.
7 Are you hungry? Would you like one(a) piece of cake?
8 The rules say that there is only one vote per member.
9 You can get seven hours of recording on one (a) disc.
10 'What would Nick like for his birthday?' 'Why don't you ask Emma? She's one (a) good friend of his and will have some ideas.
11 There's one (a) pen on the floor. Is it yours?
12 The library books are due back in one month.
13 Do you want some of my chips? There are too many here for a (one) person.
14 I'm going to London for one day or two.
15 Either I'll work late tonight or I'll come in early tomorrow, but the report's got to be finished by lunchtime a (one) way or another.
16 It will take more than one morning to finish the decorating.

Réponse: Exercices 72 ( a/ an or one) de bobine, postée le 24-04-2006 à 20:57:21 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

Change a/an or one in these sentences if necessary, or write (Right). In which sentences are both a/an and one possible?

1 I usually go to the gym four times a week.
2 There's more than one/a way to solve the problem.
3 I phoned the council to complain, but just got passed on from a person to another. right
4 The rate of pay is really good here. You can earn over £20 an hour.
5 Maybe we could go skiing one winter. right
6 The apples are 50 cents a kilo.
7 Are you hungry? Would you like a piece of cake?
8 The rules say that there is only one vote per member. right
9 You can get seven hours of recording on one/a disc.
10 'What would Nick like for his birthday?' 'Why don't you ask Emma? She's one/a good friend of his and will have some ideas.
11 There's a pen on the floor. Is it yours?
12 The library books are due back in one month. right
13 Do you want some of my chips? There are too many here for one person.
14 I'm going to London for one day or two. right
15 Either I'll work late tonight or I'll come in early tomorrow, but the report's got to be finished by lunchtime one way or another.
16 It will take more than one morning to finish the decorating. right

Réponse: Exercices 72 ( a/ an or one) de zodiac97500, postée le 25-04-2006 à 13:47:04 (S | E)
1 I usually go to the gym four times a week
2 there's more than one way to solve a problem
3 I phoned the council to complain, but just got passed on from a person to an other one
4 The rate of pay is really good here. You can earn over 20$ an hour
5 maybe we could go skiing a winter
6 the apples are 50 cents a kilo
7 are you hungry ? would like a piece of cake ?
8 the rules say that there is only a vote per member
9 you can get seven hours of recording on a disc .
10 what would Nick like for his birthday ? Why don't you ask Emma ? She is a good freind of his and will have some ideas .
11 there's a pen on the floor . Is it yours ?
12 the library books are due back in one month .
13 do you want some of my chips ? There are too many for one person .
14 I'm going to London for a day or two .
15 Either I'll work late tonight or I'll come early tomorrow, but the report's got to be finished by lunchtime one way or another .
16 It will take more than a morning to finish the decorating

Réponse: Exercices 72 ( a/ an or one) de isa71, postée le 26-04-2006 à 22:23:18 (S | E)
Hello Mimi

1 I usually go to the gym four times a week.
2 There's more than one/a way to solve a problem.
3 I phoned the council to complain, but just got passed on from a person to another. right
4 The rate of pay is really good here. You can earn over £20 an hour.
5 Maybe we could go skiing one winter. right
6 The apples are 50 cents a kilo.
7 Are you hungry? Would you like one piece of cake?
8 The rules say that there is only one vote per member. right
9 You can get seven hours of recording on one/a disc.
10 'What would Nick like for his birthday?' 'Why don't you ask Emma? She's one good friend of his and will have some ideas. right
11 There's a pen on the floor. Is it yours?
12 The library books are due back in one month. right
13 Do you want some of my chips? There are too many here for one person.
14 I'm going to London for one day or two. right
15 Either I'll work late tonight or I'll come in early tomorrow, but the report's got to be finished by lunchtime one way or another.
16 It will take more than one morning to finish the decorating. right


Réponse: Exercices 72 ( a/ an or one) de whynot95, postée le 27-04-2006 à 00:09:31 (S | E)
Hello dear Felin

1 I usually go to the gym four times A week.
2 There's more than one way to solve the problem. R
3 I phoned the council to complain, but just got passed on from ONE person to another.
4 The rate of pay is really good here. You can earn over £20 AN hour.
5 Maybe we could go skiing one winter. R
6 The apples are 50 cents A kilo.
7 Are you hungry? Would you like A piece of cake?
8 The rules say that there is only one vote per member. R
9 You can get seven hours of recording on one disc. Or A
10 'What would Nick like for his birthday?' 'Why don't you ask Emma? She's A good friend of his and will have some ideas.
11 There's one pen on the floor. Is it yours? Or A
12 The library books are due back in one month. R
13 Do you want some of my chips? There are too many here for ONE person.
14 I'm going to London for A day or two.
15 Either I'll work late tonight or I'll come in early tomorrow, but the report's got to be finished by lunchtime ONE way or another.
16 It will take more than one morning to finish the decorating. R

Réponse: Exercices 72 ( a/ an or one) de felin, postée le 29-04-2006 à 18:43:58 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction.:

1 I usually go to the gym four times one week ==> a
2 There's more than one way to solve the problem. Right
3 I phoned the council to complain, but just got passed on from a person to another. ==> One
4 The rate of pay is really good here. You can earn over £20 one hour. ==> an
5 Maybe we could go skiing one winter. ==>Right
6 The apples are 50 cents one kilo. ==> a
7 Are you hungry? Would you like one piece of cake? ==>a (one would imply one and no more a is more likely if this is a more general invitation to have some cake)
8 The rules say that there is only one vote per member. ==> Right (one implies one and only one)
9 You can get seven hours of recording on one disc. ==> Right and /a is also possible.
10 'What would Nick like for his birthday?' 'Why don't you ask Emma? She's one good friend of his and will have some ideas. ==> a
11 There's one pen on the floor. Is it yours? ==> a (one would emphasise the number and seems less likely than a in this context)
12 The library books are due back in one month. ==> Right/ a is also possible
13 Do you want some of my chips? There are too many here for a person. ==>one
14 I'm going to London for one day or two. ==>a
15 Either I'll work late tonight or I'll come in early tomorrow, but the report's got to be finished by lunchtime a way or another. ==> one
16 It will take more than one morning to finish the decorating.==> a is also possible.

zodiac97500, Bienvenue dans notre groupe. Participez aussi souvent que vous le pouvez. Vous verrez on apprend beaucoup en participant.

à tous pour votre participation.



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