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Exercices 67
Message de felin posté le 07-04-2006 à 16:08:39 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Mercredi soir.12/04/06

Complete this letter from Australia using the following verbs. Use the present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous.

In 1 -10 use
arrive, feel (x2), get, go, know, spend, wait, write (x2)
In 11-20 use: ask, complain, enjoy, get, (not) get on, hear, look (x2), seem, start

Dear Mum and Dad

I (1) …………. this letter in a hotel room in Perth. I (2) ................ here a couple of hours ago after a long coach journey from Adelaide. I (3) .................. pretty tired so this will only be a short note before I (4) .............. to sleep. As you (5)................... I (6) ..................... last week in Adelaide with Jean and David. I (7) .......... to them a month or so ago to tell them when I would be arriving, and they (8) ................. at the airport for me when I (9) ............. there. For the first few days I(10) ..............quite jet-lagged, but I soon (11)............ over that after a few days of lazing around on the beach.
Jean and David (12) ........... living in Adelaide a lot, although Jean (13) ............... for a new job just now. It (14) ............... that she (15) ....................... very well with her colleagues.
Apparently they constantly (16) ............. about the working conditions and it (17) ............ to annoy Jean. They (18) ................ me to pass on their best wishes to you. So now I (19) ................ forward to exploring Perth. I (20) ..................... it's a wonderful place.
I'll write again in a few days. Love,

Good luck.

Réponse: Exercices 67 de magmatic_rock, postée le 07-04-2006 à 18:34:51 (S | E)
Hello félin

I 'm writing this letter in a hotel room in Perth. I arrived here a couple of hours ago after a long coach journey from Adelaide. I'm feeling pretty tired so this will only be a short note before I go to sleep. As you know I spent last week in Adelaide with Jean and David. I wrote to them a month or so ago to tell them when I would be arriving, and they were waiting at the airport for me when I got there. For the first few days I felt quite jet-lagged, but I soon got over that after a few days of lazing around on the beach.
Jean and David enjoy living in Adelaide a lot, although Jean is looking for a new job just now. It seems that she doesn't get on very well with her colleagues.
Apparently they are constantly complaining about the working conditions and it starts to annoy Jean. They asked me to pass on their best wishes to you. So now I look forward to exploring Perth. I 've heard it's a wonderful place.
I'll write you again in a few days. Love,

car en plus de l'exercice même j'ai appris deux nouveaux mots très intéressant qui doivent être souvent utilisés!

Modifié par felin le 07-04-2006 19:38 Don't worry. Take a rest!! You'll do it again tomorrow

Modifié par magmatic_rock le 08-04-2006 09:34
Merci mais ce que j'avais besoin ce n'est pas de repos mais d'un ordinateur qui ne se bloque pas pendant 20min à chaque fois que je voulais mettre un mot en couleur!

Réponse: Exercices 67 de kimence, postée le 07-04-2006 à 19:18:08 (S | E)

Dear Mum and Dad

I (1) am writing this letter in a hotel room in Perth. I (2) arrived here a couple of hours ago after a long coach journey from Adelaide. I (3) feel pretty tired so this will only be a short note before I (4) go to sleep. As you (5) know I (6) spent last week in Adelaide with Jean and David. I (7) wrote to them a month or so ago to tell them when I would be arriving, and they (8) were waiting at the airport for me when I (9) got there. For the first few days I(10) felt quite jet-lagged, but I soon (11) got over that after a few days of lazing around on the beach.
Jean and David (12) enjoyed living in Adelaide a lot, although Jean (13) is looking for a new job just now. It (14) seems that she (15) did not get on very well with her colleagues.
Apparently they constantly (16) complained (were constantly complaining) about the working conditions and it (17) started to annoy Jean. They (18) asked me to pass on their best wishes to you. So now I (19) am looking forward to exploring Perth. I (20) heard it's a wonderful place.
I'll write again in a few days. Love,

Merci encore. Vivement le prochain exercice...

Réponse: Exercices 67 de coco02, postée le 07-04-2006 à 20:48:56 (S | E)
Dear Mum and Dad

I (1)am writing this letter in a hotel room in Perth. I (2)arrived here a couple of hours ago after a long coach journey from Adelaide. I (3)am feeling pretty tired so this will only be a short note before I (4) go to sleep. As you (5)know I (6) spent last week in Adelaide with Jean and David. I (7) wrote to them a month or so ago to tell them when I would be arriving, and they (8) were waiting at the airport for me when I (9) got there. For the first few days I (10) felt quite jet-lagged, but I soon (11)got over that after a few days of lazing around on the beach.
Jean and David (12) enjoy living in Adelaide a lot, although Jean (13) is looking for a new job just now. It (14) seems that she (15)doesn’t get on very well with her colleagues.
Apparently they constantly (16) complain about the working conditions and it (17)starts to annoy Jean. They (18) asked me to pass on their best wishes to you. So now I (19)am looking forward to exploring Perth. I (20)have heard it's a wonderful place.
I'll write again in a few days. Love,

Réponse: Exercices 67 de bobine, postée le 07-04-2006 à 21:19:36 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

I am writing this letter in a hotel room in Perth. I arrived here a couple of hours ago after a long coach journey from Adelaide. I am feeling pretty tired so this will only be a short note before I go to sleep. As you know I spent last week in Adelaide with Jean and David. I wrote to them a month or so ago to tell them when I would be arriving, and they were waiting at the airport for me when I got there. For the first few days I felt quite jet-lagged, but I soon got over that after a few days of lazing around on the beach.
Jean and David enjoy living in Adelaide a lot, although Jean is looking for a new job just now. It seems that she doesn’t get on very well with her colleagues.
Apparently they constantly complain about the working conditions and it starts to annoy Jean. They asked me to pass on their best wishes to you. So now I am looking forward to exploring Perth. I heard it's a wonderful place.
I'll write again in a few days. Love,


Réponse: Exercices 67 de mp27, postée le 08-04-2006 à 00:53:00 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1.- I am writing
2.- arrived
3.- am feeling
4.- go to sleep
5.- know
6.- spent
7.- wrote
8.- were waiting
9.- got
10.- was feeling

11.- got
12.- enjoy
13.- is looking
14.- seems
15.- doesn't get on
16.- complain
Je pourrais imaginer 15-> isn't getting on -- 16-> are constantly complaining. Ce serait acceptable?
17.- has started
18.- asked
19.- am looking
20.- have heard

Réponse: Exercices 67 de ash2000, postée le 08-04-2006 à 13:28:59 (S | E)
1 am writing
2 arrived
3 get
4 go
5 Know
6 spent
7 write
8 are waiting
9 get on
10 felt
11 have looking

Réponse: Exercices 67 de marit64, postée le 09-04-2006 à 00:54:59 (S | E)
Hi my dear felin!

In 1 -10 use: arrive, feel (x2), get, go, know, spend, wait, write (x2)
In 11-20 use: ask, complain, enjoy, get, (not) get on, hear, look (x2), seem, start

Dear Mum and Dad

I'm writing this letter in a hotel room in Perth. I arrived here a couple of hours ago after a long coach journey from Adelaide. I'm feeling pretty tired so this will only be a short note before I go to sleep. As you know I spent last week in Adelaide with Jean and David. I wrote to them a month or so ago to tell them when I would be arriving, and they were waiting at the airport for me when I got there. For the first few days I was feeling quite jet-lagged, but I soon got over that after a few days of lazing around on the beach.
Jean and David enjoy living in Adelaide a lot, although Jean is looking for a new job just now. It seems that she doesn't get on very well with her colleagues.
Apparently they constantly complain about the working conditions and it starts to annoy Jean. They asked me to pass on their best wishes to you. So now I'm looking forward to exploring Perth. I heard it's a wonderful place.

felin for this exercise.

Réponse: Exercices 67 de whynot95, postée le 10-04-2006 à 04:17:15 (S | E)
Hello dear Felin

Many thanks for this exercise.

1/ am writing
2/ arrived
3/ feel
4/ go
5/ know
6/ spent
7/ wrote
8/ were waiting
9/ got
10/ felt
11/ got
12/ enjoy
13/ is looking
14/ seems
15/ doesn't get on
16/ complain
17/ starts
18/ asked
19/ am looking
20/ heard

Réponse: Exercices 67 de felin, postée le 12-04-2006 à 17:08:41 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction:

Dear Mum and Dad

1 am writing this letter in a hotel room in Perth. I got/arrived here a couple of hours ago after a long coach journey from Adelaide. I feel/am feeling (present simple and preset continuous have a similar meaning) pretty tired so this will only be a short note before I go to sleep. As you know I spent last week in Adelaide with Jean and David. I wrote to them a month or so ago to tell them when I would be arriving, and they were waiting at the airport for me when I got there. For the first few days I felt/was feeling quite jet-lagged, but I soon got over that after a few days of lazing around on the beach. Jean and David enjoy/are enjoying present simple and present continuous have a similar meaning here,although the present continuous may suggest that they are not living in Adelaide permanently) living in Adelaide a lot, although Jean is looking for a new job just now. It seems that she doesn’t get on/isn’t getting on (present simple and present continuous have a similar meaning here, although the present continuous suggests that this is a temporary problem) very well with her colleagues. Apparently they constantly complain/are constantly complaining (note the word order) about the working conditions and it is starting to annoy Jean. They asked me to pass on their best wishes to you. So now I am looking forward to exploring Perth. I hear/heard present simple and past simple have a similar meaning here) it's a wonderful place.
I'll write again in a few days. Love, Abigail

à tous pour votre participation.

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