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les constructions verbales.
Message de steeve34 posté le 07-03-2006 à 11:10:57 (S | E | F | I)

bonjour à tous,

Chaque langue a son propre vocabulaire, sa grammaire, ses idiomes, ses stuctures verbales.
Aussi il ne faut pas se laisser influencer par sa propre langue; par exemple penser qu'un verbe transitif français l' est aussi en anglais.

Le but de cet exercice est de réécrire les dix phrases suivantes, après avoir corrigé celles qui vous semblent incorrectes.

Correction: Lundi 13 mars 2006.

1-This landscape reminds England to me.
2-Last year, we made the bathroom paint.
3-The teacher did not explain the end of the story to them.
4-Pat would like that Maggie leaves.
5-He thought to be the only one to know the truth.
6-We'll have to borrow the money to your parents.
7-I don't mind that Sarah stays here .
8-Ask a rise to the boss.
9-Don't listen Bob, he is crazy.
10-Hardly he had been introduced at the mayor that he was made understood the importance of the deal.(difficile)

Réponse: les constructions verbales. de lakata, postée le 07-03-2006 à 16:53:57 (S | E)
Hello steeve,

1- This landscape reminds me of England

2- Last year, we had the bathroom painted

3- The teacher didn't explain to them the end of the story

4- Pat would like Maggie to leave

5- He thought he was the only one to know the truth

6-We'll have to borrow the money from your parents

7- I don't mind if Sarah stays here

8- Ask the boss for a rise

9- Don't listen to Bob, he is crazy

10- He had hardly been (or hardly had he been ?) introduced to the mayor that he was made understand the importance of the deal

!!! quand même!!!

Modifié par lakata le 08-03-2006 11:16

Réponse: les constructions verbales. de mp27, postée le 07-03-2006 à 19:05:26 (S | E)
Hello steeve34!

1-This landscape reminds me of England.
2-Last year, we had the bathroom painted.
3-The teacher did not explain the end of the story to them.
(au passif)The end of the story was not explained to them.
4-Pat would like Maggie to leave.
5-He thought he was the only one to know the truth.
6-We'll have to borrow the money from your parents.
7-I don't mind Sarah staying here .
8-Ask the boss for a rise.
9-Don't listen to Bob, he is crazy.
10-Hardly had he been introduced to the mayor when he was made to understand the importance of the deal.

Modifié par mp27 le 08-03-2006 18:56

Réponse: les constructions verbales. de maya13, postée le 08-03-2006 à 11:11:13 (S | E)
hello steeve,

1 - This landscape reminds me of England
2 - Last year, we had the bathroom painted
3 - The teacher did not explain to them the end of the story
4 - Pat would like Maggie to leave
5 - He thought he was the only one to know the truth
6 - We'll have to borrow the money from your parents
7 - I don't mind Sarah staying
8 - Ask the boss a rise
9 - Don't listen to Bob, he is crazy
10 - Hardly had he been introduced to the mayor than he was made to understand
the importance of the deal

merci steeve

Réponse: les constructions verbales. de magmatic_rock, postée le 11-03-2006 à 09:55:44 (S | E)

1-This landscape reminds me England.
2-Last year, we had the bathroom painted.
3-The teacher did not explain them the end of the story.
4-Pat would like Maggie to leave.
5-He thought he was the only one to know the truth.
6-We'll have to borrow the money from your parents.
7-I don't mind Sarah staying here .
8-Ask to the boss for a rise.
9-Don't listen to Bob, he is crazy.
10-Hardly had he been introduced at the mayor that he was made understood the importance of the deal.(difficile)


Réponse: les constructions verbales. de steeve34, postée le 13-03-2006 à 18:24:26 (S | E)
Je vous salue tous les quatre.

Voici quelques commentaires.

1-Remind (verbe transitif).
a)-Remind sb about sth.
will you remind me about this appointement.
b)- Remind sb to do sth.
Remind me to buy stamps.
c)-Remind sb (that).
I'll just call Sylvia to remind her that we are meeting at 8.
d)- Remind sb of sth.
Hearing that song always reminds me of a certain night in Santa Cruz.

2- Traduction de faire faire. Voir ce sujet. Ici faire a un sens passif.

3- Explain (verbe transitif).
a)-Explain where/how/why...
Please could explain why you are late ?
b)-Explain that.
Dad explained that we have to go to bed early.
c)- Explain sth to sb.
The teacher explained the rules to the children.

4- "Would like" est suivi de l'infinitif complet.
Dans la phrase considérée la stucture employée est celle de la proposition infinitive.
like + nom/pronom complément + infinitif complet.
I would like Ann to come to dinner on Saturday
Avec to want on utilise la même structure.
I want her to learn the piano.

5- I thought (that)---> used to say what you thought or believed was true although you were not sure.
I thought (that) he was honest, but I was wrong.
Très souvent "that" est omis.

6-To borrow(verbe transitif et intransitif)
To borrow sth from sb.
to borrow money from sb---> emprunter à qqn; faire un emprunt à qqn
Remarquer aussi spend money; make money;
Besides, money is an uncountable noun.
En conséquence pas d'article .
Cependant vous devez le mettre dans l'exemple suivant:
What about the money you owe me ?

7- I don't mind.... + ING.
Would you mind......+ING.

8- To ask sb for sth
Autre construction avec to qui a le même sens.
You should ask your accountant for some financial advice.
You should ask your accountant to give you some financial advice.

9-Listen to sb (verbe intransitif)------> écouter (verbe transitif).
I like listening to the radio.
Listen to me.
I wish I'd listened to your advice.

10-Distinguons plusieurs parties dans cette phrase:

We had hardly gone out when it started to rain.
A peine étions-nous sortis qu'il se mit à pleuvoir.

On peut écrire la même phrase en mettant en tête hardly. Dans ce cas il faut faire une INVERSION.
Hardly had we gone out when it started to rain.

On peut aussi utiliser une expression équivalente.
No sooner ......than.
No sooner had we gone out than it started to rain.

b)-Introduce sb to sb (verbe transitif).
I was introduced to Mrs Johnson.

c)- voix passive. Voir les sujets précédents.

Rappel faire faire où faire a un sens actif.
Ex:They made me miss my train.----> Ils m'ont fait rater le train.

voix active: They made him hand the cheque over.
voix passive: he was made TO HAND the cheque over.

Il faut mettre l'INFINITIF COMPLET.

Voici ma proposition.

1-This landscape reminds me of England.
2-Last year, we had the bathroom painted.
3- The teacher did not explain the end of the story to them.
4-Pat would like Maggie to leave.
5- He thought he was the only one to know the truth.
6- We'll have to borrow money from your parents.
7- I don't mind Maggie staying .....
8- Ask the boss for a rise.
9- Don't listen to Bob. He is crazy.
10-Hardly had he been introduced to the mayor when he was made to understand the importance of the deal.
A peine s'était-il fait présenter au maire qu'on lui a fait comprendre l'importance de ce contrat.
A titre d'exercice je vous laisse réécrire cette phrase sans faire d'inversion.

Je vous remercie de votre très bonne participation.

A bientôt pour résoudre d'autres " énigmes" grammaticales.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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