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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°99998 : Salle de bain et vocabulaire

> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur le même thème : Maison [Autres thèmes]
> Tests similaires : - Appartement: Thierry en Angleterre 8 - A la maison-Vocabulaire - Ma maison - Dialogue bilingue : Décrire sa maison - Maison et vocabulaire - Tâches ménagères et todo list - Loisirs-Lexique - Dans la cuisine
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Salle de bain et vocabulaire


- a piece of absorbent material used for wiping or drying your hands or body


- a piece of special glass that you can see yourself in

Bathtub ( also Bath )

- a long container  you can fill with water

Bathroom Scales ( BrE scales, AmE scale )

- using for measuring a person's body weight


- thing used as a toiletry

(AmE) Towel Rack, (BrE) Towel Rail

- a bar on the wall for holding towels

(BrE) Laundry Basket, (AmE) Hamper

- a large container in which dirty clothes are kept


- a liquid or cream preparation of soap for washing your hair

Washing Machine

- an electric machine for washing clothes

Dental Floss

- a type of soft thread for cleaning between the teeth


- a creamy substance which you use to clean your teeth


- a piece of soft artificial or natural substance which is used for cleaning things or your body


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1. Tatiana uses this yellow to dry off after a bath or shower.

2. Where is the plug for the ? I'm going to take a bath and I can't find it anywhere.

3. She put the liquid soap on her shower and began to wash herself.

4. To use your you will need washing powder and fabric softener.

5. Every morning she weighs herself on the in the bathroom.

6. Washing your hands with and warm water is the best way to stop germs from spreading.

7. If you have greasy hair you can use the .It is on the bottom shelf.

8. Leave your dirty jeans in the . I will do the washing this evening.

9. They hung a over the sink in the bathroom.

10. Flip the top of the towel over, and then hang on a .

11. Cleaning the spaces between your teeth is a very important factor for your health. helps to clean and remove harmful bacteria.

12. This morning Jack ran out of and couldn't brush his teeth.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Salle de bain et vocabulaire"
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