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Apprendre l'anglais > Leçons & Exercices d'anglais > Chauve-souris > Statistiques mises à jour toutes les 4h
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Exercice "Chauve-souris", créé par tizeph (exercice gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais) :
Résultats des 996 personnes qui ont passé ce test :
Moyenne : 47% (9.4 / 20) Partager

Dernier membre à avoir fait un sans faute : ploplo / SUISSE, le dimanche 24 novembre à 13:38:
"Thanks a lot for the exercise !!"
52.9% ont eu moins de la moyenne.
47.2% ont eu au moins la moyenne.
Tous les membres qui ont obtenu un 20/20 à ce test

Statistiques questions sur 995 candidats
Question 1 réussie à 45.9 %
So, just there ahead of us, that dark hole, is a cave and that's where we're heading. Watch your step, it's *.

Question 2 réussie à 50.1 %
Heading into the dark where the vampires roost is seriously spooky stuff. The cave * with hundreds of years of poo.

Question 3 réussie à 53.5 %
It's the perfect hidey-hole for bats. In the * corners of the cave, fluttering shapes catch my eye.

Question 4 réussie à 43.4 %
Oh, look at that! Can you see that Johnny? One in? Yep, got one . So what I have in this bag is an animal that's probably inspired more * and legend than any other animal in the world.

Question 5 réussie à 51.4 %
It's a vampire bat. They have also possibly the * teeth of any animal, which explains why I'm wearing these big, thick gardening gloves before I even think about trying to get it out.

Question 6 réussie à 52 %
Last time I tried to do this, it bit clean through the * and into my finger. So I'm going to go to quite careful. Right!

Question 7 réussie à 49 %
Let's get you into a good position. Look at him whirling around to try and get his... * canine teeth into my fingers. Okay.

Question 8 réussie à 63.9 %
So that is the face that all the fuss is about: the vampire bat. If you look at its *, you can see the most special set of teeth found just about anywhere.

Question 9 réussie à 48.3 %
Above me now is a roost of about 30 or 40 vampire bats and at night,they'll take wing using that remarkable wing *, and fly out in search of a warm-blood meal.

Question 10 réussie à 26.3 %
They use the * sharp teeth at the front of the mouth here... I don't want to get my finger too close.

Question 11 réussie à 26 %
I just know I'll get bitten on camera! But they shave away a portion of hair from the animal they're going to be feeding on, and then bite a tiny hole and then lap away at the blood that leaks out, and their * keeps the blood flowing, it's what's called an anticoagulant.

Question 12 réussie à 56.8 %
They take in about a soup spoon of blood, which doesn't sound like much but when you look at the size of this tiny bat, actually for its body weight, that's an * meal.

Question 13 réussie à 27.1 %
While it might seem that everything about vampire bats is just a bit * and grotesque amongst themselves, they're really quite thoughtful creatures.

Question 14 réussie à 24.8 %
In fact, if they come back from having got a very good meal, and there's another bat here that hasn't managed to feed, one of these guys will actually * their blood meal and give some to the other bat.

Question 15 réussie à 34.9 %
They look after each other. So vampire bats - they may be the creature of * but with possibly the sharpest teeth in the whole animal kingdom, I reckon they're worth a place on the Deadly 60.

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